Artisan Masonry Inc. - Repair and Restoration - Brick Repair Bloomington - Chimney

Chimney Flue Inspection

Yearly chimney flue inspections by a specialist from Artisan Masonry will identify any buildup, gaps or cracks in your flue. If there are gaps or cracks, Artisan Masonry professional chimney repair technicians will fix your chimney flue to prevent carbon monoxide and other gas leaks.

Chimney Repair and Restoration Services in Indiana

Artisan Masonry provides more than just a chimney inspection.   As the Indiana chimney repair specialists we can provide restorations on the outside and inside of your chimney in order for your home to stay safe. We can repair the exterior of your chimney when old brickwork begins to fail to installing a new flue due to an old and failing flue.

Interior Chimney Repair Services in Bloomington

If your flue is clogged or damage than you can increase the liklihood of fire or exposure to expose your home to unsafe chemicals.   Don’t let a  failing chimney cause leaks or smoke damage to your roof.  The chimney repair experts at Artisan Masonry can replace your damaged chimney lining, ensuring your chimney is safe for years to come. We will ensure your chimney is safe inside and out.

Exterior Chimney Restoration Services in Bloomington

Exterior chimney restoration is just as necessary to keep your chimney in proper working condition. All types of brick and stone masonry can be repaired by Artisan Masonry. Artisan Masonry specialists will check the flashing on your chimney to ensure it is intact to prevent water damage from leaks. Our trusted chimney repair contractors will get your chimney back to new.